Dedicated to the memory of JC

This site is a tribute to JC, who was born in Nigeria on November 08, 1955. He is much loved and will always be remembered.


John Chika Windorff-Nwosu

Born on November 8, almost 69 years ago, in the Ancient-Kingdom city of Benin where his father Papa Windorff established himself as a young professional running a business institute as proprietor and mentor, molding young, up-and-coming men and women in office administration, skilled clerical data processing and business management.
A keen observer and absorber of strong principles and guide posts for life, John's proximity to this environment, plus the strong Christian leanings his mother imbued into him really early in life, certainly anchored him well for the uncharted journey of life ahead.

Growing up in Enugu in latter years, John absorbed even more, under the guidance of his big sister Grace who, along with her husband as John’s guardian, set him up the path of his own beginnings – early exploits as a young technician at the P & T. 
His short stint here springboarded his own light-bulb vision for himself: 
To pursue a firmer footing for his life’s journey ahead – Going to College, in the US. 

Setting out by his own will and carefully-thought-out planning, John left home to far-distant shores, riding on the inspirations he had harnessed –  plus his own burning zeal – to make a way for himself. 
And as he did, he never forgot those cardinal life principles that anchored him really early on.

John’s special gift of mentoring led him to open up the opportunities his visionary journey brought him, by inviting and sponsoring other relatives to come along on this journey, too. And, in the same wide-open-doors spirit at his early foundations, his abode became for kith and kin, a landing pad for all comers. 

Through the years and decades since, John remained that precious spirit who lived and loved life with the purest understanding of the universality of ONE LOVE. 
Family meant everything to him.
Family, for him, was soundly defined – broad and seamless; blood and boundless. 

With John, the milk of human kindness flowed ceaselessly. 
Watering. Nurturing. Purifying and healing. Dignifying and redeeming.  Endlessly turning a blind eye  – or turning the page – on every narrow misconception or misjudgement. Endlessly walking into and welcoming in with open arms, that congregation of human spirits that's at the core of his boundless and ever-so-simple self definition and generosity of heart.

John graduated college in Geology and Environmental Engineering Science.
An outstanding Social Worker and Mental Health Counselor, his work and life brought healing to many.

John's passion for living elevated spirits. 
Bringing joy to one and all, through his ample social capital as DJ-Proprietor of Jam Sounds.

John was a prime exemplification of the human principle of live and let live.

John was a proud custodian of the finest tenets of his noble Aro Oke Igbo ancestry and rich heritage.

John Chika Windorff-Nwosu.
Well loved and widely known also as JC Windorff and Jah-War. 

May his beautiful soul soar on high!

May he find peace everlasting, in God’s bosom. Amen.


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