A Tribute To Dearest Uncle John.

Created by Lilian Okpaleke Imo 4 months ago
“Uncle Johnu mu oooooo!” as I love to teasingly holler out to him.
And it just makes him crack a shy-little, but full-hearted smile.

Hai !!!!!!!!!😔

Uncle John, as simple as that phrase sounds, comes packed full of a whole bundle of meanings.
He was my big brother like no other. 
A much younger Uncle who related so seamlessly affably with me and a cross-generation of family tentacles that he defined from the depths of his heart. Including blood; and endless other cultural and social connections – as the spirit imbued into him allowed him to define and embrace.

Uncle John’s sense of family enfolds every thread of filial cord that his wholesome sensibilities can reach, gather, nurture, mentor and honour.

That’s JC.
Uncle John to me – in the most deeply-appreciative way.

I still haven't processed this new reality. 
But I'm grateful to God for the blessed gift of ‘No Regret’ – God’s sure comfort to me -- in all eventualities of life.
I’m mighty grateful to God for availing me every chance, in Uncle John’s lifetime, to express to him in words and deeds, how so precious he is to me as my Big Brother and Dear Friend.

Na-a n’udo, ezigbo nmadu!

Je-e nke oma, Dike ka nmadu asa-a!

Rest in everlasting peace, JOHN CHIKADIBIA WINDORFF-NWOSU.

Your niece,

(Lilian Ngozi Imo – Née Okpaleke)
